This site has changed its original purpouse, because we have changed our vision about the topic. The information and knowledge Society has ever existed(it's only the repository), whatever hasn´t exist are the access to the information and to the criteria(knowledge-education) to interiorize it. The challenge is not only on applying Science and Technology but also on learning to think better(Innovation, systemic thinking and evolution as the main process). Thanks.



He aquí esta nueva forma y planteamiento basados en un esquema demanda-oferta.

He estado pensando acerca de dos diferentes perspectivas de observar y desmenuzar la realidad mediante un proceso de negociación, y en mi caso he visualizado varias tendencias, por lo menos 2 más notorias(promedio) , que así mismas parecen contradictorias y no es que se opongan una a la otra, sino que más bien depende del estilo de quien las maneje, las administre ó las diriga.

Por un lado, tenemos a aquellos individuos que para realizar u obtener un cierto fin, basan todo su esquema de trabajo y de pensamiento "tras bambalinas", ya que asumen en cierta medida una conspiración alrededor de ellos como "un complo" y tratan de dar un sentido de secrecía a las cosas que realizan, ello implica que la mayoría de las veces el esfuerzo es mayor al tratar de conservar el espiritú paranoico e idealista, para que "nadie se de cuenta" de lo que piensan ó realizan. Por otro lado tenemos la estrategia basada en la transparencia, donde todas las cosas están abiertas y son como se dice que son, no hay que desmenuzar nada, todo esta a la vista ó al menos eso se encuentra explícitamente planteado.

La estrategia puede ser vista como la definición de un modelo futuro de uno ó varios estados a los cuales queremos llegar, partiendo de un estado actual definimos y visualizamos ese estado futuro, esta visualización produce un cambio sustancial que inicia en la mente y que se reproduce de manera externa, de la cabeza a los pies. Pero no lo es todo el control prospectivo nos ha enseñado a plantearnos metas altas, para conseguir resultados superiores a los satisfactorios u óptimos, eso funciona cuando nuestras actitudes tienen empatía con la proacción.

Entre estas dos tendencias me imagino una abánico de posibilidades, aunque al final si partimos de un enfoque sistémico, como lo es mi caso, determinariamos que pueden estar relacionadas y una puede ser parte de la otra ó viceversa, pueden estar embebidas en la estrategia. Al final el éxito estará basado en la elección que realices.

Metas sumamente altas, resultados superiores a los satisfactorios ú óptimos.

Siguiente Tema: Estrategia.


Cultural Paradigms

I have been thinking about the people cultural capital, which is related with the identity of people, cultural capital is a serie of beliefs, customs, rituals, behavior which define what we are at society, some of these we learned across our life, sometimes without conscience, without knowledge about their existence, only when we observe our interior, and take conscience of the motivations of our facts and activities, we find out these, sometimes when we have a crisis.

Looking for more about the origin of these assumed paradigms, I found that they are everywhere in our life, when we eat, some times when we think, when we do almost everything at our life, it depends on our parents, and our relatives, the amazing is that almost all were there, when we were born. I think some of these paradigms have centuries of existence and they were inherited across the time by our parents. I have found that some of these assumed paradigms are useful for me, another not. But almost times people does not have the opportunity to take conscience about the existence of them, if we analyze, when we have a problem, we resolve it.

But when we fail down every time at our life, we need to reflect what is happening with us, if it is a pattern probably is an assumed paradigm, and you have the conscience to view and to discover that, almost all people does not have this opportunity. The exposition is ¿what are you going to do?, the next time when you discover an assumed paradigm at your life and it's not useful to you.

NEXT TOPIC: Conspiracy or strategy.

PD: Gracias a todas las personas que se interesaron en darme comentarios para mejorar mi inglés, ;).


Thinking Systems

Is very interesting to analyze the things that we observe and live every day, it’s depends on our reality's perspective, several people thinks in analytic mode, the analytic mode is based on the understanding of every part of a system, almost ever, after do this analysis people gives priorities to every part which was analyzed, the difference between an Analytic Thinking Approach an a Systemic Approach is directly related on how we analyze the reality, at Systemic Thinking Approach, we don't make a priorization, we apply a Synthetic View of the elements that we analyze to find out several kinds of patterns, behavior, form, contextual, etc. so that we understand the system elements as an impact perspective, what things we have to do is to gain more impact without do a simple task list.

At Analytic approach we observe the reality as a problems.

At Systemic Thinking Approach we observe the reality as patterns and solutions.

NEXT TOPIC: Cultural Paradigms the Power of Consciousness.

PD: Thank's everybody for helping me to improve myself, especially to annonymous users. ;)